Slow Coast Interiors

Determining A Home Color Palette You’ll Love

I’m Hayden.
Boy mama, beachside native and lover of design and a good house margarita (with salt, of course). On this blog, you'll find everything from bits of my heart to passion projects, recipes, lifestyle content & more. Cozy up & read away!
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When it comes to designing a new space or refreshing an old one, a color palette can be a great place to start. Knowing what colors you’re including in your space helps narrow down choices and prevent buying items on a whim that don’t match or just aren’t the vibe you’re looking for.

However, in a world of truly limitless colors to choose from, how do you decide which to use? And further, how do you know what you’ll actually love in your specific space vs what you like in theory scrolling in the depths of Pinterest-perfect photos?

Take a look at your closet. Yep. Step inside your wardrobe, take a look around, and ask yourself “What colors do I wear all the time? What colors do I love, and which do I never wear?” Most of the time, you’ll find the colors (and even materials!) you gravitate towards in your wardrobe translate beautifully into your home.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, but it gives you an excellent starting point for choosing colors you won’t be sick of a few weeks or months down the line.

Take a look here at my Pinterest boards for example. My clothing style leans very neutral, with warm, earth-toned accents, and my home style does just the same!

If I had to pinpoint my style these days, both in clothing and design, I’d say I’m leaning toward Vintage Mediterranean vibes- lots of old-world charm, worn and textured materials, linens, and neutrals with nods to the coast. Since it’s winter now, I’m incorporating lots of textured knits and vintage sweaters, which translate right into my home decor style as well. It’s all connected!

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