I've always been a dreamer with tons of passions and a love for learning. Don't ask me to do mental math, but I'll be all over your creative project or design endeavor in a heartbeat. I have a deeply seeded love for vintage and you'll probably find me, iced coffee in hand, headed thifting in my free time. Motherhood has rocked my world in every way & I'm passionate about making young moms feel less alone & more joyful in this beautifully challenging season.

Your Homemaking, Entreprenurial, Mom Friend.

meet hayden

I believe in the magic of the beautifully mundane. 

From our routines to our homes, our relationships to our meals, our parenting to our faith, work and dreams- finding contentment in the beautifully mundane in every facet of our life hinges on intentionality. Going through the motions keeps us on the hamster wheel constantly looking for more. Life feels dull- like the saturation has been turned way down and we're wondering where all the color has gone.

I've noticed that when we stop to take a look around, there's so much more to the every day moments than meet the eye. That it's all worship- all of it. The late night feeds, the laundry that seems to never end, the meals made (and cleaned), the toilets scrubbed, the daycare drop offs, and the homes decorated. Every bit of it bringing heaven down in the name of service to the King. It may be mundane, but I've learned it sure is beautiful if we take a second look.

Hayden Behind the Curtain



Most of my wardrobe is thrifted, so I rarely have links to what I'm wearing (apologies in advance for that).


My guilty pleasure is an iced vanilla latte from a local coffee shop. Just ask my husband (or our restaurant budget, lol)


Between growing up a military kid & living out of a backpack for a year, I'm an expert-level packer & travel junkie.


I like to think I'm not that crunchy, but then I remember I take beef liver supplements & planned to birth a baby in my living room.

Let's Slow Down & Change the We See Our Home, Friend.

Inspired by the seashores I've called home since childhood & wrapped up with the stillness I've always craved, Slow Coast Goods is my take on a general store meets quality shoppe in your local beach town where intentional, curated goods encourage you to linger longer & breathe a little deeper.

good things coming - stay tuned!