From Our Table

Nutella Latte Recipe

I’m Hayden.
Boy mama, beachside native and lover of design and a good house margarita (with salt, of course). On this blog, you'll find everything from bits of my heart to passion projects, recipes, lifestyle content & more. Cozy up & read away!
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Fun fact about me, I went to middle school in Italy. My sister and I were in the Italian school system and our family was truly a part of the Italian culture in those days. I loved it- with the exception of the first few months in which the language barrier was truly baptism by fire. Once we made it through that season, you could’ve found me there, happy as a clam, for the rest of time.

Was it because they’re a nation fueled by home-cooked meals, picturesque views, and a history lover’s dream? Maybe. Or was it their affinity for Nutella? Also maybe. We’ll never truly know.

But what I do know is that THIS Nutella Latte is simply the easiest recipe you’ve ever seen (it might actually be blasphemous to call it a recipe) & the quickest way to transport yourself back you your childhood (or present) Nutella-on-toast days.

You’ll Need:

Nutella (I hope that goes without saying)

Espresso – we have a Breville espresso machine, but you could definitely use instant espresso + hot water for this part

Milk of your choice – I use whole milk, but you can swap for dairy-free or other milk if you’d prefer

How to:

Scoop however much Nutella you’d like into a coffee mug. More Nutella = more sweetness, so gauge this depending on how sweet you like your coffees. Then, pull your shots over the Nutella. This is the key!!! The hot espresso melts the Nutella down so it can all be combined in your drink, rather than having a big ole clump of it on the bottom of your mug at the end of your cup (and no one wants that).

Once you’ve pulled your shots, stir until your Nutella is all melted & combined with the espresso. Then add in your milk! For hot lattes, steam your milk first. For iced, add your milk in and top with ice.

Good news: this recipe is delish both hot & iced!

Enjoy your new fav latte, friends!



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