Slow Coast Interiors

A Cozy, Boho Primary Bedroom: Custom Virtual Design

I’m Hayden.
Boy mama, beachside native and lover of design and a good house margarita (with salt, of course). On this blog, you'll find everything from bits of my heart to passion projects, recipes, lifestyle content & more. Cozy up & read away!
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My friend Sarah & her husband John purchased their first home in Alabama and it is the cutest, most charming place.

Sarah had dreams for their primary bedroom to be a beautiful, cozy space that also answered their storage needs and worked with pieces they already owned to bring it all together. I love Sarah & she already has incredible taste, so of course I jumped at the opportunity to help her bring her vision to life!

For reference, these were Sarah’s inspiration photos:

We were also working with a few items they already had! Her sweet husband John MADE this headboard (John, can you come to my house, please?) & they already had this gorgeous rug. Also, can we talk about how cute their Golden, Fitz, is?? AND he matches the vibes perfectly- thank you for your service, Fitz.

As you can probably tell, Sarah loves warm neutrals and cane textures. Fun fact: she also LOVES abstract art, so we went with this beautiful painting over her bed. She also wanted a bench at the end of her bed for sweet baby Fitz and two dressers in the space.

Here’s how the mood board turned out!

I literally sent all of those to John and my family last night!! I could cry it looks so good. I’m obsessed with you, thank you!Sarah F.

I love seeing happy, happy clients – especially when they’re the SWEETEST people in the world! Sarah & John are currently in the process of adopting their first baby from Columbia. If you’d like to hear more about their journey & follow along, you can click here to follow her on IG.

I also love that I can work with clients all over the US to bring their spaces to life! Got a project you’d love design help on? Click here to learn more about our Custom Virtual Design services and how I can help you with your dream spaces. Can’t wait to build your dreams together!



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